No other animal has seen the most dramatic developments in the creation and extinction of the races in the last hundred and 50 compared to the horse. There are two reasons
- the invention of the combustion engine and the motor vehicle with motorised vehicles becoming the most popular form of transport and domestic freight haulage.
- The increasing popularity of all sports.
While technology has played a minor role in the use of the horse, but has also played a role in the development of new breeds. Easier transport of farm animals - invention semen samples from freezing significantly increased the variety of bloodlines available to horse breeders.
For sports, have been popular ever increasing popularity in the last hundred years. Not only increased the popularity of horse sports, but so has the level of competitiveness and breeders have been to create horses with the highest levels of strength, jumping ability, strength and courage. Breeders have crossed the horses with different positive attributes to try to create breeds with the best points of all taxpayers genetic influence.
Horse breeding has thus taken a very different direction than dog breeding. In the main, dogs are bred to a standard. Very rarely are bred for a purpose, except in the case of where animals are bred for working competitions such as sheep herding, dogsled racing etc. Horse breeding on the other hand has been almost entirely focused on creating horses with greater physical attributes than their parents. Breeding a horse to a standard remains important in being able to define the actual breed at the horse can claim to be. That said, I can assure you any rider winning a major Showjumping championship is more interested in the physical qualities of their horse and what breed it is for its genetic make up.
As was being sorted by breed, horses may be sorted by all manner of different criteria. Size for example can be used to categorise horses, sizes being pony standard and heavy. Some breeds come in all three sizes whilst others come in a single of these sizes. Horses can also be categorised by colour, for example I horse may be classed as a as a bay horse, or a paint horse and horses from different breeds and fall within this category.
Below we have collected some of the most popular breeds today and the history of your choice and request investigation and race could best adapt to what you're looking for in a horse. O extends not only vary in size, ranging in capacity from physical temperament, longevity, jumping ability, strength ... And the price.
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